When defining a new ledger in the special purpose ledger, how can you retrospectively populate fi data for a previous fiscal year?
Explain the input variance? : co- cost center accounting
How can i configure in SAP 2 divergent reconciliation accounts for the same vendor? They want to change the reconciliation account in the posting when they are doing compensation.
what is the difference between business blue print & TO-BE Process ?
field status group are configured at 4 level which are they
Dear experts can you please explain to me whether a vendor/customer master data have 2 different terms of payment in the company code segment and the purchasing organization/sales area segment simultaneously??
Suppose i am open with 2 other login in sap.. 1st is normal 2nd with Crm so now, how much session open in same time. But login is not same? but we can access the both login?
What is a document header? : fi- general ledger
How do you configure check deposit?
what is cr in sap
Hi all can anybody help me...i am getting the following error when i am creating the GL ac for Vendor Recon ac,(only balance in local currency is selected) ...."Balances for reconciliation accounts only in local currency not defined" Message No fh061, however when i deselect the 'only balance in local currency' system is allowing me to save. should we not select 'only balance in local currency for recon accounts?'...help me please. Thanks Rajendran.
What is client level and company code level?.