What is pl/sql table? Why it is used?
What is auto increment in sql?
query to retrive the employees whose sal is greater than avg sal
What is on delete restrict?
What are the different type of joins in sql?
How do I delete a trigger?
Hi all, i have a table as follows empid empname mgrid deptid 1 a 3 4 2 b 1 5 3 c 2 3 4 d 3 6 5 e 4 7 i want the output as empname mgrname a c b a c b d c e d
Is big data nosql?
What is an example of translating a date into julian format?
table having two columns - entity,zone enity zone pen east pen west pen north pen south pen east pencil east pencil east pencil west I want the output as : entity east west north south pen 2 1 1 1 pencil 2 1 0 0
What is the difference between a query and a report?
What is sql partition?
How can you load multi line records? : aql loader