What is on delete restrict?
Hi how to import oracle sequence in Informatica? Please write stored procedure code that will import oracle sequence in Informatica SP transformation as per below scenario Oracle table product list Pro_id, pro_name 101, LED Lights. 102, 20watt CFL Lights. 103, 30 watt CFL lights Now a new flat file with new product list needs to be added to oracle table product list with oracle sequence. flat file product Prono,pro_name, 1, 20 watt tube light 2, 30 watt tube light & target should be like 101, LED Lights. 102, 20watt CFL Lights. 103, 30 watt CFL lights. 104, 20 watt tube light 105, 30 watt tube light thks reg suvarna joshi suvarnaatsuvarna@rediffmail.com
How to generate a salary slip like jan 1000 1000 feb 1000 2000 ... dec 1000 12000
If you want a column to be part of the result set, after which SQL keyword does it belong? 1. SELECT 2. FROM 3. WHERE 4. GROUP BY 5. HAVING
10 Answers HCL, TCS,
What normalization means?
1. Which is an aggregate function? a. Union b. like c. max d. Rank
Can we insert data into view?
What is the difference between inner join and left join?
What is the reports view in oracle sql developer?
Can we use more than one null value for unique key?
31 Answers A1 Technology, Wipro,
What is full form of rtm?
What does truncate mean in sql?
Write a query to get last 10 records from the table.