if we have set auto differencial back up then waht is difference between 1.appen to media 2.over right the existing media
1 3799characters of DBMS A) non redundant B) data independence C) increased security D) all the above
1 8461utility used to obtain inform regarding the optimizes choice of access strategy for SQL stmts A) LOAD B) REORG C) COPY D) EXPLAIN
2 4910what is primary key,unique key, foreign key? can u teach me in simple language?
Banking, CMC, CTS, HCL, Infosys, Keggfarms, SkyEss, Sunrise, TCS, Web Synergies, Wipro,
44 179639Post New Databases AllOther Questions
what is tkprof tool and how it is used???
What are the disadvantages of views in a database?
what is the role of auditor in auditing data oriented applications?
What does currency type mean in database?
query to Compare data of two tables between two different Databases(Oracle and SQL Server) Eg., Source Database: Oracle Table: Employee Target Database : SQL Server Table : emp
how can you perform lookup range in lookup stage expalin in detail?
How do you connect to a database?
What are the types of indexes that are present inside a database?
What is the advantage of varchar2 over char?
What is a database string?
What is ole db source in ssis?
How to do Data integrity testing? Who does this testing (Developer or tester)?
Explain natural key?
1. How to test Database? Please, give me all details for "SQL,Msaccess, Mysql Database? 2.For which functionalities database used? 3.How to convert Guest to Admin by Mysql database?
What happens when shared and exclusive locks are applied on data item?