if we have set auto differencial back up then waht is difference between 1.appen to media 2.over right the existing media
1 3716characters of DBMS A) non redundant B) data independence C) increased security D) all the above
1 8365utility used to obtain inform regarding the optimizes choice of access strategy for SQL stmts A) LOAD B) REORG C) COPY D) EXPLAIN
2 4804what is primary key,unique key, foreign key? can u teach me in simple language?
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44 178279Post New Databases AllOther Questions
Explain the field term used in database.
I have single column in a file. Input 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 my output is file 1 have 1,2,3,10,11,12 file 2 have 4,5,6,13,14,15 and file 3 have 7,8,9 how is it possible in datastage
hai if any one having any project sample table structure please froward to my mail id tauseefwst@yahoo.com
What is the candidate key used for?
Explain various types of locks in a transaction? Which is better and why?
Explain file manager?
Differentiate between delete and truncate table?
If the master device is full, how do I make the master database bigger?
What is a database call?
What is the purpose of firebase?
How many types of locks are present in a database?
Given a table of Player which contains Sno and player name, write a query which finds all possible Table Tennis doubles pairings.
Which three commands cause a transaction to end?
What do you mean by cluster and non cluster index?
What is Data Modelling?