Hi all,
i have a table as follows
empid empname mgrid deptid
1 a 3 4
2 b 1 5
3 c 2 3
4 d 3 6
5 e 4 7

i want the output as
empname mgrname
a c
b a
c b
d c
e d

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Hi all, i have a table as follows empid empname mgrid deptid 1 a 3 4 2 b ..

Answer / gunturajesh

select a.empname empname,b.empname mgrname from emp a,emp b
where a.mgrid=b.empid

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 2 No

Hi all, i have a table as follows empid empname mgrid deptid 1 a 3 4 2 b ..

Answer / suresh babu

select t1.empname,t2.empname from emp t1,emp t2 where
t1.mgrid = t2.empid;

This query is self join,Which is display your requirement.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Hi all, i have a table as follows empid empname mgrid deptid 1 a 3 4 2 b ..

Answer / alok narayan

select empname,(select empname from e1 b
where b.empid =a.mgrid) from e1 a;

select a.empname empname,b.empname mgrname from e1 a,e1 b
where a.mgrid=b.empid order by a.empname ;

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Hi all, i have a table as follows empid empname mgrid deptid 1 a 3 4 2 b ..

Answer / nanne saheb c

select e.empname,m.ename mgrname from emp e,emp m
where e.mgrid=m.empid;

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

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