How do I delete a trigger?
Explain sql data types?
What are tables and fields in the database?
How many commands are there in sql?
suppose I have two table one Emp and other is dpt. Emp table has a field ,dept id,name ,sal and dpt table has a field dept id,dept name. Now I want to find out the emplyee list whose sal is between 2000-3000 from dept x.
7 Answers Geometric Software, IBM,
Which is better varchar or nvarchar?
How many row comparison operators are used while working with a subquery?
Write a sql to print only character form the below string. @So&*CIE%$TE@GEN!@RAL
What is pl sql block in dbms?
How many primary keys can a table have?
declare v_count number(8,3); v_sal scott.emp.sal%type := '&P_sal'; cursor cur_name is select sal from scott.emp where sal between (v_sal-100) and (v_sal +1000); begin v_count :=nvl(sql%rowcount ,0); if v_count = 0 then dbms_output.put_line('no records are fetch in the given sal range'); else dbms_output.put_line('There is/are '||to_char(v_count)|| ' salaries are selected in the given range '); end if; end; in the above programm .....for any sal range ....always it shows the following message.. no records are fetch in the given sal range please find the mistake and share with me...with thansk and regards..sarao....
How can you save or place your msg in a table?
Is sql considered coding?