What is sql partition?
What is nosql example?
What is varchar example?
how to retrieve the top 2 salaried persons from a database?
Hello All, Could any well write a query for the following scenario. Account(table name) No Name Amount 1 ABCD 2000.00 2 DEFG -2000.00 3 GHIJ 3000.50 4 JKLM 4000.00 5 MNOP 6000.00 O/p Should be in this format No Name Credit Debit 1 ABCD 2000.00 0 2 DEFG 0 -2000.00 3 GHIJ 3000.50 4 JKLM 0 -4000.00 5 MNOP 6000.00 o could any one give appropriate query for this Thnks in Advance Suneel Reddy
What is trigger in sql and its types?
function can return multiple value?how give give sample coding
2 Answers 3i Infotech, CTS, Excelity Global, UHG,
Why stored procedure is better than query?
use of IN/ANY/ALL
Explain what is a database?
What does seeding a database mean?
I have one table,in that table (1)i have java1.1 version books are 2 and java1.5 version books are 4. (2).Net2.0 books are 3, .Net3.5 books are 2 (3)ABC1.6 books are 4, ABC2.0 books are 3. Now i want output is like Book Count Java 6 .Net 5 ABC 7 For this i need sql query, please help me if anyone how to get this result. Thanks, Seenu
What is procedure and function in sql?