What are the different type of joins in sql?
What is the usage of the distinct keyword?
How many database objects (trigger, packages, sequence etc) uses a particular field in a given table. For ex: I want to know how many database object uses the ATTRIBUTE1 in the PO_VENDORS table. What query will give me the result showing the database object name(package, trigger etc), field_name used (in this case ATTRIBUTE1) and table_name (in this case PO_VENDORS).
What is mutating error?
what is HASH join?
how to create a database in oracle?
What are the benefits of pl/sql packages?
Can we use ddl commands in pl sql?
What is the difference between the sql*loader and import utilities? : aql loader
What is case function?
What are the types of queries in sql?
what is the difference between rownum pseudo column and row_number() function? : Sql dba
In a distributed database system, can we execute two queries simultaneously?