How can you load multi line records? : aql loader
What is the command used to fetch first 5 characters of the string?
Explain the the update statement in sql?
What is meant by truncate in sql?
What's the difference between inner join and left join?
how to give permission to users that users can update/insert/delete on a row of table on timeing 10am to 6pm only?
How do I order columns in sql?
i have a table eno dno sal 1 10 200 2 10 150 3 10 100 4 20 75 5 20 100 i want to get sal which is less than the avg sal of thri dept. eno dno sal 2 10 150 3 10 100 4 20 75
Explain the commit statement.
What is the difference among union, minus and intersect?
Is it possible to remove child records without removing master table records...the two having pk,fk relationship?
What are the different set operators available in sql?
How can we link a sql database to an existing android app?