Did you use buffering?
Explain the differences between sap memory and abap memory?
How to write long-text in SAP scripts? EX: I want to write text like below: * Terms and Conditions: 1>.... 2>.... 3>....
What are different types of windows in Smartform?
What are the screen elements.
Plz can any one tell me about the detailed information of issues raised by the enduser, as an abap developer how we need to pick up that issues and what are the steps involved in the process(support project ), and tell me about the tickets. who is the person that is going to generate the tickets( send the detailed information regarding the support project and as a abap developer, what is its roles and responsibilites from beginning to the end of support project .
If yes then why do we require logical database
How do you do Recording and what will you do?
could you tell me the difference between an INTERFACE AND CONVERSION?
what is the use of control_form?
How to select valid lines for secondary list?
What are the exceptions in function module?
What is the meaning of ABAP editor integrated with ABAP data dictionary?