Can we use more than two field in SELECT-OPTION? For example
Normally we get two field which is from and to fields, but i
want to get more values.....
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Answer / sreekanth
by clicking on arrow button side by high value .
we get a window ..
there we can mention inclusive and exclusive values...
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Answer / sreedhar
When you click on the side arrow buuton it displays
multiple fields.
-- we can give multiple values or multiple data ranges for
a single variable.
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Answer / rajesh
if you want to assign values more than one in select-
in in input selections screen u can expand the arrow mark
and u can provide what do u want
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Answer / aruna
if You want to assign values in select-options write the
code in the initlization event.
you can include more than one values in inclusive option
provided by select-options.
or use Ranges where you can specify range of values in
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