where do you specify that a condition type is a discountor
a surcharge?
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Answer / abhilash nayak
its simply a condition class , u can see this in sd-basic
function-pricing-pricing control-define condition type
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yes in Mantain Condition Type we have to go to the desired
condition type , then there is a check box for condition
class, in this check box you have to specify the cond class
A for Discount/Surcharge.
B for Price
C for expence reinbrusment
D for Taxes.. etc..
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Answer / b.gangi reddy
in the field Plus/minus in the defination of condition
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Answer / suresh
condition classification
if conetion type is surcharge we can specify positive in
positive/negative field otherwise,
if conetion type is discount we can specify negative in
positive/negative field otherwise,
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Answer / yogesh
in condition recorde we define discount a surcharge and
specify positive/negative,condition type is KA00
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