Explain what is an update type with reference to a match code id?
What is bdc stand for? How many methods of bdc are there?
Explain the importance of wf?
Mention what are set parameters and get parameters?
Tell us what are the different sap products?
What are transparent table?
What are variables in sap?
Friends, I want to grow my career in SAP. I am from marketing so I want to go for SAP SD. I searched in net and come across many SAP institutes -SIS, SAPTAC, Saptree etc... Is it fare enough to join in any of these organizations and whether can I expect placement from them? Please suggest
Do you know what is awb?
What is the difference between domain and data element?
Mention what is ale, idoc, edi, rfc and explain briefly?
Tell us what are internal tables, check tables, value tables, and transparent table?
What are the main supply chain challenges companies faces today?