What is bdc stand for? How many methods of bdc are there?
Tell us what are set parameters and get parameters?
Internal table events.
From health and safety point what are things to be taken care while warehouse transportation?
Explain me what is pooled tables?
Dear friends Thanx a lot to you guys those r spending valueable time , money to share questions & ans.My special thanx to sridhar,but I dont want to disturb him. I am PRIYA ,26 yrs & struggling hard to find a job in SAP CRM in Blore . Can you pls help me sending SAP CRM Interview Questionairs with answers at mashutosh49@yahoo.com,which will b a great help to me . Millions of Thanx in advance .
The two types of services that are used to deal with communication?
What are business kpis?
How can you explain customer relationship management?
Narrate the useful details of sap simple finance?
Explain about SAP OOPS ABAP module?
Explain me how many sap sessions can you work on at a given time?
What is short cut join and why are you using in business objects?