What are types of select statements?
what are the conversion routine?
In order to upload purchase order details, how you handle multiple values for a single field?
say in selection screeen (ie is in select-options) i have selected record range from 1000 to 2000 but in the final display list i sholud not get 1200 to 1300 records it should be hide how is it posible
what is the tcode for creating the invoice?
We created ZEMP table now i want to add more data but previous data should not disturb how can i do this?
What are the different functions used in sap script? What are the parameters used in each function?
What are the payroll related Infotypes
How to Handel Duplicate entries in LSMW.
how will u extract sales doc. number of corresponding billing doc. number with out using select query
Functionality of Edit call..?
What is value table?
What is Group by in Select statement?