What is the function of attenuator in cro?
How can we reduce the reactive power consumption of your 12.5 MVA power transformer.
advantage of cu cable over al cable
what is the function of RVT
what are the types of Distribution transformer vector group please explain
what will happen if instead of neutral we use earth wire as return conductor?if we can use ,then why we are not using in our day to day appliances?please justify the answer
what is LDR used in street light
2 Answers Cipla, Ram Infotech, Wipro,
State the difference between Surge Arrester and Lightning arrester,Both are same or not?
why does chattering take place in ac contactors? can it be avoided & what care does the manufacturer take to eliminate this phenomenon????
What is the difference between MCCB,ELCB,RCB & MCB
what is neutral grounding resistor?
why the vfd motor take current high in vfd panel then mcc panel.current in vfd panel=160A in 93%.and mcc panel it shows 130A. (132kw motor)
What is meant by Load Encroachment in OHL Feeder Protection?