Work most on which module: name a few tables?
how to edit text in script?and how to migrate scripts into smart forms?
What are the types of subroutines? : abap modularization
Uses of runtime analysis and sql trace with example(coding).
What are pooled tables? : abap data dictionary
What is the function module for IDOC generation ?
What application areas are you comfortable in?
What is logical data base
any 1 having notes on SAP-ABAP certification, or even if any 1 could provide the url for getting notes on SAP-ABAP certification, would be appreciated.
What is the difference between getting and get late?
In se11 -->Tech. settings --> Data class. If I save table as Mater data OR Transaction data, what effect will it has for 'Storage' in Database after activation. or In Database how it will store in both the cases.
Explain Commit and Roll back?
could you tell me the difference between an INTERFACE AND CONVERSION?