What are the function modules used in a sap script driver program?
ALV Report that will show the details of order like order no, order date, customer, product code & description, order quantity and value along with the details of dispatch of those orders like invoice no, invoice date, invoice quantity and pending order quantity. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul
Where u can use the Currency Field?
There is a file in application server. How can you upload it and separate it as per different fields?
How do you populate data into a multiple line field? : abap bdc
If I want to execute a program only in background not in foreground is there any option for this? : abap bdc
What are the different types of the variable in the sap abap?
Write syntax for message error (report)?
Explain the systems fields used for interactive lists and lists?
how to cal driver program in smart forms??
when a material is created through BDC, does it add the created material in mara table?Or else where the material created is stored?(In which table?)
Can we use CALL SCREEN in RFC?
which is a statement used to write a record to a file in ABAP?