What is sequence of event triggered in report?
What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous update? : abap bdc
How to write file to application server?
Hi To all ABAP Gurus Is there any other way to create data elements apart from se11 tocde as we dont use the se11 in real time generally this question is asked in enteg infotech
Can a transparent table exist in data dictionary but not in the database physically? : abap data dictionary
How do you send the output of a script as an email attachment
what does it mean occurs 0 while creating an internal table?
Badi concepts
Modes in Call Tr?
What is the table & field to identify the no of items (bottles) stored in one case?
0 Answers iQuest, SAP Labs, Yash Technologies,
How table control cn be generated using bdc? : abap bdc
How do you differentiate tax for different countries? : sap abap hr
when u already have predefined tool LSMW for uploading data....which is more easy and efficient to use and les sprogramming is required..then whats the need to write a program in BDC.... whats the main purpose....?