What are the key activities that you perform as part of sap basis support?
How to Check From SAP Level and OS level, that your system is DUAL STACK or SINGLE STACK???
Kernel upgradation procedure?
How can I restrict the user from printing?
what are the activity you have done by using solution manager? please explain briefly some activity
What are the pre requisites to download patches from marketplace ?
I have a requirement from the SD people wherein whenver one runs the tcode F-02 (Enter G/L account Policy : Header Data), they should not get the list of all acounts in the ACCOUNT field. But when i go to pfcg to check for restricting the list, i dont find any pertinet auth field for doing so. Isi t something that we can ( as Basis Admin) do or the ABAPpers to do. Maybe the ABAPpers have to program the screen where in they need to restrict the list options. If not so, lemme know the auth field that has to bet set if any.
Wt is the use of logon group? Wt is the meaning of logon group??
How to do transport at OS level?
what are authorisation object?tell me any five.
When you are Locking/Unlocking accounts what happens behind the scenes? Why is the good to know?
How do you disable the 'Import All' button on STMS for the queues?
What is the difference between pfile and spfile?