What are the different types of job status? Can you unschedule an active job?
What is you allocate disks to different areas in sap?
Which table contains the details related to Q defined in SPAM? Is there a way to revert back the Q defined? If yes, How?
What will happen during the import process?
Hi , Today , while refering about SAPDBA , i came know about , when we are facing performance issue, we need to increase Table space and need to add data files to table space . but i dint understand about data files and wht it contains ... What is data files in Table spaces , what it contains actually ?
please share sap basis admin interview questions .. thanks sadik
What is the use of Trusted system? I know that there is no need of UID and PWD to communicate with partner system. In what situation it is good to go for Trusted system?
what is main benefits of cursor?
how do you lock users if CUA is configured?
What Is your landscape
How to set the trace level for file dev_rd?
how would you troubleshoot the 'user cannot connect to sap'?
when i try to installed SAP CRM 2005 on single sap system. It stop on phase : "system landscape directory" for long time min 8 hrs. what actual problem?