What is difference between ap or a/p and ar or a/r?
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Can sap business one be customized?
Hi Experts, 1. Can any one tell about how to know the Cube size 2. How to delete single Wrong transaction in Cube
Explain core modules of sap business one?
I have 2 Data Sources sales and Billing.I have 2 Cubes called 1.sales cube and 2.Billing Cube with its own Data,Now i want to add Sales Data to Billing Cube.How Can it Possible,Can you any one Explain?
What is di api in sap business one?
What is a/r invoice ?
Hi Friends, 1) What precautions i should take as a BI Consultant when it is to UPGRADE the version of ECC (Eg: from R/3 to ECC 6.0)? 2) Will this upgradation affect BI system anyway?
What are the complex reports you developed in Business Objects.Please tell me 3 reports you developed and the complexity you faced and the solution
if someone interviewer ask me briefly explain your sales flow in your project ?-rajesh
What is the function of ui api i.e. User interface api ?
What is the use of company object in sap business one ?
What are the different objects in di api ?