1.while monitoring process chains i got an error
that "activation was failed"what is the reason for failure
and how did u solve that problem?
2.Process chain is going on running but it is not
completing ,stopping?what are the necessary steps we have
to take to solve the problem?
3.If there is any duplication in the cube ,how to rectify
it and how to solve the duplication in the cube?
4.we have created one new field in the extractions which
is not presented in the communication structure ,but the
problem is how to bring the created field in to the cube?
5.what is meant by compressin? here the problem is we are
deleting the request id,s what about the data depending on
the id?
6.For improving the query we will create aggregates ? how
the internal process will takes place to improve the query?
what is meant by aggregate?
7.how to schedule the process chain "in a month first five
days "i have to schedule the process chain? how?
8.what is meant by archiving?
Support question
service level aggrement: If we are unable to solve the
ticket with in the service level aggrement? what are the
necesary steps we have to take?
these are the question i have faced on ibm interview,ok byee
suresh kumar
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Answer / samar
2.Process chain is going on running but it is not
completing ,stopping?what are the necessary steps we have
to take to solve the problem?
a)t-code sm12 check for log errors
b)dont assign u r chain to app component ,select today and
do it.
3.If there is any duplication in the cube ,how to rectify
it and how to solve the duplication in the cube?
good quest dear if duplication in the cube select request
and just delete it man again again you are loading manually
so duplicates will occur ok.
4.we have created one new field in the extractions which
is not presented in the communication structure ,but the
problem is how to bring the created field in to the cube?
ans)dear without creating field in comm structure how can
you get the field in cube.so created field transfer into
comm str to ext structure ok then come into bw side and
create info obj as per created in r/3 system and same process.
5.what is meant by compression? here the problem is we are
deleting the request id,s what about the data depending on
the id?
good quest dear compression is generally used for saving
space storage purpose ok.while doing compression generally
we will lost the req id in f fact table ok.in bw system
generally by doing req reverse posting we will get original
id ,but in bi system re executing the dtp we will get the id .
6.For improving the query we will create aggregates ? how
the internal process will takes place to improve the query?
what is meant by aggregate?
aggregate is nothing but a baby cubes by creating aggregates
you can improve the query performance.while entering the
query the query retrieve time is more than 20% then we
generally go for aggregates
7.how to schedule the process chain "in a month first five
days "i have to schedule the process chain? how?
every process it has own variant .selecting the variant it
will give the time period i..e immediate or time/date..
8.what is meant by archiving?
sorry i dont have much idea...
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Answer / reddy.suresh2007
hi guys plz can u send the answers for those questions what
i have posted ,send to my mail
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Answer / praveen reddy
Archiving means as deleting past records maintain backup
system and refreshing the current system to give space to
further records or bulk data.Regression also sounds same in
real time environment.
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Answer / anitha
Hi Experts,
Can anyone plz send the ans to my mail
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what is report to report interface and why we use it sap bi
Why we have only 16 Dimension tables in a cube.Is there any reson.Is it a limitation?
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Which tool is provided by sap for keeping the track of events ?
Difference between filter and condition in sap bi
Can we do aggregation in sap crm planning cube?
Difference between UNION and UNIONALL
1 Answers Axtria, ITC Indian Tobacco Company, TCS,
process chain failure notifications
we can use init delta with data transfer instead full update. In which scenario full update helpful?
what are the table created when you created a infoobject
How many types of Routines in SAP BI(7.0)?
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What is di api in sap business one?
If You Create a Compounding Attribute How many primary Keys it Generates?