Can we change the layout of miro screen? Does it require enhancement?
Can you post physical inventory document for a new material in sap or movement type 701 in sap mm?
What are the different fields in vendor master data?
Can anyone plz tell me what is a procedure( in detail step by step ) to migrate from tax procedure TAXINJ to TAXINN ?
What are the commonly used movement types in sub-contracting process?
How do you change characteristic?
Tell cut-over Process in SAP MM?
Suppose you want to know how many views are created for a certain material or materials. Which sap mm table will you refer?
If I have one PO with me & I made GR with partial Qty & after that I want to block PO for one month means user shouldn't make GR against this PO & after one system should allow to make GR. In this case where I need to do changes?
What are the special stocks used in mm?
Can anyone explain pipeline process?
Hi All I am a SAP functional consultant. I am a mechanical engg graduate.After that I had 4 yrs of career gap because of some serious family problem. But I was a very good in my academic. I took SAP course in a private institute & put 4 yrs of fake & got a job in a Top MNC. I did not want to do this but i had no choice. That time in SAP functional most of people was doing like that. I was surprised that in my company most of SAP functional have shown this kind of experience in their resume.not in my company eeven in other comapny same was the case. Now I lost my job after for 2 yrs in that company. Because in the recession time my company started background verification. I was not lucky enough to survive. Now I am looking for a job. This time I do not want to put fake. I have two yrs of real experience with a Top MNC. But these days there is no vacancy with 2 yrs of experience. Please help me how to prepare my resume as I do not to put fake. But what should I show for those 4 yrs of gap & how to get a job with 2 yrs of experience when there is no vacancy for this experience.
Is it possible to have scales in a quotation?