Which setting is required in sap to trigger subcontracting purchase requisition automatically through mrp?
What is RTP?
Can anyone explain third party rocurement process?
How many levels of approval can be allowed in Release Strategies
What are all the various types of 'physical inventory'?
How does the system calculate taxes?
What do you understand by posting period?
How is the vendor returned processed without a purchase order reference?
How stock is being transferred from one plant to another plant?
what r the priority levels used in SAP, r these defined by individual companies r set same fr all
What happens during a 'goods issue'?
Explain 'automatic account assignment' configuration in mm?
Hi, I have 3 years of experience as SAP END USER in a chemical company, now i would like to learn SAP MM module, is that course is any useful to me or not, any of my friends please suggest me. thank you.