What is the maximum number of structures that can be included in a table or structure : abap data dictionary
What two statements would be used to exchange data between programs using abap memory?
can any one can give me the Fi and co flow? and the tables ?
smartforms have an advantage i.e,both layout and code can combine .but when we go for driver program in smartform?
Table maintainence -- Transaction Code?
Can there be more than 1 main window in sap script?
allinterview.com site is good for interview preparation or not?
how to trasfert script from one server to another server or one clint to another clint
if i remove the select stmt from start-of-selection and put the select stmt in end-of-selection it is triggering then what is the use of start-of-selection? Please send me the answer
wtat is diff. between bdc and session method
i have created script logo.is that logo goes to develpment to quality?
What are the drill-down features provided by abap/4 in interactive lists?
what is work flow?
3 Answers FutureSoft, Siebel Systems,