What does the insert statement in extract datasets do?
What is IMG in SAP?
How can a lock object be called in the transaction?
How many include can be included in the table??
HI friends, in USER EXITS after finding correct EXIT when am double clicking on the "INCLUDE ZXM06U36" it is not entering inside of the program, it is givimg the error message as "Program names ZX... are reserved for includes of exit function groups". Please help me to solve this problem.
From Excel to ABAP - Is batch mode possible ?
How to write a code for multiple transactions? : abap bdc
what are the events used in LDB?
Among the Call Transaction and Session Method, which is faster?
Explain what is the purpose of sap script?
What kind of BDC programs are written ?
What is internal payroll process? : sap abap hr
Importance of PA20, PA30 and PA40