How would you suppress the display of a parameter on the selection screen?
What are the pooled and cluster tables?
Explain the advantages of different types of bdc's?
what is the difference between templates and tables.
What are the modes in lock objects? : sap abap data dictionary
If there are 100 records...explain the BDC session method step by step how you gonna do ?
What is the function of a data element? : abap data dictionary
Can I execute user exits? If yes, how?
What is the difference of update types in call transaction method ? : abap bdc
What are the events in abap/4 language? : abap hr
i need the explanation for the following one . 1.BAPI 2.BADI 3.USEREXITS. 4.ALE,IDOCS,REPORT,SAPSCRIPTS,SMARTFORMS. And their uses,what is it process in realtime.
What is an index ? Types of index and there uses ?
What are the dynapro keywords?