Is sap transportation management a module within sap erp or a stand-alone system? : transportation management
What are different sales document in sap system? How to create a sales document?
Can I view the invoice due date (jan 16, 2006) in the invoice?
What is the rule for billing document account determination?
Is it possible to assign two different sales organizations to the same company code?
Hi I am looking for SAP SD course . Can someone suggest me where should I join? Thanks Anjali
where can we assing one credit control area to all the company codes that are defined
Did you work on Transportation,what are the major settings for the transportation ?
in automatic credit contrl we maintain the horizon period in months. but my client wants to maintain in days!!!! where can i change the requirement???????
Can anyone share some tickets specially on pricing?
In SAP-SD, what is the Landscape of your project?Plz. help me.
Can any body help me regarding the following error occuring at the time of creating delivery? Copying is not poss.because an entry is missing in Table TVCPL: ZNWW ZRLF Copying is not poss.because an entry is missing in Table TVCPL: ZRLF ZNWW PWAN. I have created my own item category PWAN, as well as sales document type ZNWW, and delivery type ZRWW....and also define the delivery item category determination.....for delivery type ZRWW....but it is still asking for ZRLF delivery type.....?
How is route determined?