Explain asset transfer in sap : fi- asset accounting
What are the customizing prerequisites for document clearing?
How and when fi/co functional consultant can create and release the task in transport request when this is development server, Please give detail information about this?
How to FI integrate with MM and SD.
What is a retained earning account? And how many retained earning accounts can be defined in sap system?
What is integration between FI and other modules?
how dunning procedure will updated in Customer Master
Explain posting of costs to cost centers? : co- cost center accounting
What is an account currency?
What is document type, and what does it control? Examples.
If a company has 4 company codes, 12 plants and 3 sales offices. In this situation how many profit centers and cost centers does this company contains?
What are the segments of gl master record? : fi- general ledger
Where can we see existing Validations and Substituitions ?