Difference between depreciation ,accumulated depreciation and apc?
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What is posting key and what does it control?
1. can we do APP run for more than 5 co., codes? 2. what are the various issues raise at the time of APP run?
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Hi, friends can anybody solve this issue? while i'm trying to post customer invice through t-code f- 22 this isssue raising, Document number for general ledger document could not be determined"
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what is product cost by collector?please send to me .thanks
How do u create the asset exp.I purchase 5 lands. Now I want to post 1 land with 1 account determination and 4 land with 1 account determination. how would you customize this settings in asset accounting?
Can anybody help me. for our client have 2 com codes A and B for those 2 com codes have one customer,at the time of incoming payment the customer given only one check he did't given different checks for 2 com codes, but A com code payment was received and posted total amount. here the problem is how to transfer A com code to B com code? how the profit center will be updated? please explain clearly with steps and transaction. thanks for all advance............
how to relate ERP with SAP? , this question asked in interview, plz if u know, reply