Can you transport variants of multiple programs in one step?
What is the effect on Customer Exits and User Exits maintained in a system on Up-gradation .
A function module can be called from a transaction screen outside an abap/4 program. State true or false. : abap modularization
Which of the following is not an exit command? Exit, Back, Cancel, Stop
User has given the specification to display the Check boxes on the list, how will you handle this situation.?
what are the two types of request available in CTS?
say in selection screeen (ie is in select-options) i have selected record range from 1000 to 2000 but in the final display list i sholud not get 1200 to 1300 records it should be hide how is it posible
What are the functions of lock objects?
Why don’t use LSMW method instead of BDC methods, if the data is master data?
what is sales order confirmation and how can do design it in webdynpro. what is Tcode for the same?
Explain the properties of selection screen?
Explain the advantages of abap query tool?
steps for creating table