What is a modification assistant?
What is evaluation path, where do we do it and why? : sap abap hr
what is message type?
Differentiate between abap memory and sap memory?
Can you create an internal table dynamically?(at run time)
how much exact time will take binary search option using along with read statement?
what is the difference between interface and global diffinations in smartforms?
Sal abap on hana interview
How do you read files from the presentation server ? : abap bdc
. How to transport scripts ?
What is the max no of match code id’s that can be defined for one match code object?
Suppose there is a secondary index on 4 non-key fields A,B,C & D. There are 3 select queries :- a) one on basis of A, B, C , D b) Second on basis of A, B, C c) Third on basis of D, C,B, A In which all situations , the above secondary index will be used?
1.In Change pointers , Using BD61 I activate globally and I enable the MATMAS message type When I Ran the "RBDMIDOC" SYSTEM GIVES information messagge 253 MASTER IDOCS CREATED. MY Question IS :1.what is 253 2.PlZ explain internal PROCESS ,HOW ITS GENERATE 253 MASTER IDOcs?