diff stages between open and fixed status in defect bug
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Answer / bishwajit.rk
Defect Status are Defect Tracking Tool dependent.
As per IBM ClearQuest, different stages in a Defect Life
Cycle are:
1- Submitted or New or Open
2- Assigned - Assigned by the Test Leader to a developer.
3- Investigate - Developer checks that if he can reproduce
the defect. During this period a Developer change to this
4- Resolved or Fixed- Once the defect is Investigated and
solved, Developer change the status to Resolved.
5- Verified - This status is given by Tester. Once the
defect is verified by retesting the defect.
6- Reopen - If the defect is still reproduciable during the
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Answer / jack
stages of a bug:
NEW (by default it will be new only)
OPEN (when a tester found a bug)
FIXED (when a developer fix the bug)
CLOSED (when a tester check, after it is working)
REOPEN (when a tester found, when bug is not fiexed)
WONT FIX (not consider as a bug)
REJECTED (not consider as a bug)
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Answer / venu
New-->Open-->Fixed(if accepted)-->Resoled-->Closed/Reopen
there is a special case that is "Deffered"-->accepted by
developers but not resolved due lack of time and low
priority,low severity...
Let me know feedback to my id-venu.penchala@gmail.com
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / preetha
Different stages are there in between the status "open" &
1)New - Defect posted by QC
2)Assigned- Defect will be assigned to a developer
3)Wont fix- The status can be provided when the defect is
out of scope,may be not in requirement document,etc..
4)Worksforme- Defect may work in developers system
5)Needmoreinfo- when the defect description is not so clear
, not able to reproduce etc..
6)Duplicate- Defect may posted in 2 different ways but of same
7)Hold - The defect may be holded for next release or even
for next milestone
7)Fixed- once the defect is fixed
8)Reopened -IF defect remain same or when the impact of etc...
9)Closed- Once the defect is working as expected then the
defect will be closed.....
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Answer / gopaldas
Retest ( not fixed reopen )
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Answer / sukanya
Re-Open (Can Be Before Close or After Close)
Closed & also
As Per Design
Considered For Enhancements
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / lucky
I am providing you the defect life cycle in ClearQuest
Web: -
1.New (Tester)
2. Estimate (Project management)
3.In Development(Developer)
4.Fix Complete(Developer)
5.Send to Release
6.InAcceptance test
7.InInteration test
8.Insystem test
9.In release
10.Ready to Develop
11. Ready to test
12. Under Investigation
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / abhesheke
open:when the tester find a defect in built he will post in
the defect lab as open
fixed:after the developer has rectifies the issue he will
place in td as fixed.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / satya_k21
- New
- Open
- Need More info..(if the tester send the
details of the defect but the developer can not able to
understand what the tester has send )
- Fixed
- Reopen
- Closed.
Let me know it is wrong..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / we4
new(test engineer)--open(team leader)---retest(developer)--
reopen(test engineer)--fixed(developer)---close(test
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 3 No |
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