How does the inventory get reduced after the delivery?
Explain the structure of a bdc sessions?
What are Views, how they were useful. Types of Views
i want to print 1 tp 100 in sapscript in a single page in a vertical manner 1 6 2 7 3 8 . . . . how will i do it
what is the purpose of table maintanance,(i think it's for authorizarion purpose) what is ment by authorization?
what are the types of session method in session method?
What are the exceptions in function module?
write the program for prime numbers between 1 to 1000
What happens when we initialized the internal table with OCCURS 5 ?
Types of BDC?
can we add fields to SAP Standard tables. ? Do SAP tables have indexes. ?
State the differences between database view & projection view? : abap data dictionary
What is abap?