What are the types of internal tables?
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Internal table are of there types:
Standard table:
Index table:
uses linear search
Sorted Table
user binary search
Hashed table : uses hash key field search.
earlier i have given declaring standard table by mistake.
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Answer / siddharth samal
We can also divide up internal table types into three kinds
by their access type:
Standard tables. In a standard table, you can access data
using either the table index or the key. Since the key of a
standard table always has to be non-unique for
compatibility reasons, the system searches the whole table
each time you access it using the key. Consequently, you
should always use the index to access a standard table
whenever possible.
Sorted tables. In a sorted table, the system
automatically stores the entries and inserts new entries
sorted by the table key. The system uses a binary search on
the table when you access it using the key. You can specify
the key of a sorted table as unique. You will often use the
key to access a sorted table, but it is also possible to
use the index. Standard tables and sorted tables are
generically known as index tables.
Hashed tables. You can only access a hashed table using
the key. There are certain conditions under which you can
considerably reduce the access times to large tables by
using a hashed table. The key of a hashed table must always
be unique.
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Internal table are of two type :
1 With Header Line
2 Without Header Line
With Header Line.
there is header attached to the table it use to
populate as well as retrive data from the internal table.
it is the obselete now
With out header Line.
We use work area..
same funcitions but the name is not same as internal table.
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