What is the standard group condition routine in condition type, what is its importance?
when ever i create sales order the pricing condition is not coming automatically. The discount condition types like k004,k005,k007 are comes automatically,but pr00 is not coming automatically i entered manually. What could be the reason. Pls explaine me anybady. Thank you in advance. Regards, Ramesh.
What are the documents Vendor will be sending to Customer in Third Party Sales?
what is mars.pls tel me.
Hi Gurus, please tell why there is a need to assign SDF to our main pricing procuedure (where we maintain document pricing procedure as free)while doing returns? Because I have checked its item cateogary KLN and there its pricing its unchecked. So is there really a need to do so?
explain support ticket in sap sd
Do you know about enhancement?
How SAP support to the client to know the customer requirements?
What is a handling unit?
How can I transfer the payment method from customer master to sales order automatically?
what is mean of rebate processing?
How system carry outs availability check during sale order process?
After setting up a batch job (schedule the backlog report) by T Code SM36, i am getting error mail from user saying that, the reports r not recieving to his mail box, can any one help me regading this, how to resolve?.....it will be greate help.. Thanks