What is task & activity ?
what do sap crm consultants do in realtime
What is BDocs?
0 Answers Cap Gemini, Infosys, TCS, Wipro,
What is the difference between sales area dependent mini templates and sales area independent mini templates?Why are the used ?
How will you know if the data has been successfully transferred? Where will you check it?
What do you mean by sap crm sales?
Which all profiles did you use?
0 Answers Cap Gemini, Infosys, TCS, Wipro,
Hi,could anyone give links that take me to SAP-CRM subject matter just like sapbrainsonline.com?
Differentiate between crmc_blueprint vs crmc_blueprint_c?
what is the difference between action and workflow?
Dear Team, I am raju, want to know what exactly what need to be explained to the interviewer about the business process,whether its our company business process or the client business process?
What are some popular crm software?
I am an Industrial Engineering graduate (through correspondence) with over 5 yrs experience. Now I am looking for a job in SAP CRM Functional on a fake resume with 3 years of relevant experience. the experience is verifiable, but i am worried abt the salary aspect. I am showing 4.8 lpa. how to justify it and what to say on form 16? what all should be the components of the salary slip?