What do you do when the system crashes in the middle of a BDC batch session?
Can we use Session method & Call transaction both in one BDC if yes please give me example and scenario where we use this ?
What is the symbol to do “concatenation” operation in nw abap 7.4 ?
im trnsfering 10 data records from outbound though idocs but 8 records are transferred , what about remaing records but it did not show any error?
How many times we can use At Selection Screen Output and on field event in report?
pls tel me......how we link two fields by using foregin keys between two tables in sap abap?
What is tcode se16. For what is it used. Explain briefly?
What are the prerequisites for creating foreign key relationship?
i have a requirement that design window in layout of smartforms but when we print smartforms window should not be printed?
Why cant we use Normal function module for data transfer?
hi experts, "move 'I' to s_ktokd-sign. move 'EQ' to s_ktokd-option." Can any one please explain me meaning of two lines? actually we use this move key word to move a value from one field variable to another field variable? i didn't understand the meaning of these statements?
Can I create a Transaction code for a custom Table ? If Yes How can I ?
What is example class