Air refrigeration cycle works on the
whycircuit breaker is not connected at the generator end where the capacity of the generator is more say 60MW, 100MW etc.
What the capacitor Current formula?, For 1 KVAr how amps its required? for using the KVAr for boosting the PF Design Calculation.( Eg: for 30 KVAr required how many KW?)
17 Answers Alstom, Call Centre, EDC, HCL, Procon Engineers,
Why in earthing, the earthing plate is put in vertical position? and further what is soft coke that is used in earthing?
What is the acceptable resistance range of UPS battery
What is difference between PLC and SCADA
13 Answers Uflex, Vimal Fire Controls,
How to know motor winding is star or delta connected without see the information table and winding connection ?
What is the Diff. btw Manule Pull Station & Manule Abort Station Switches used in FM200 System??
what is meant by moulded case circuit breaker ?
In UPS, battery connections if parallel connection given, what will happen?
What is the basic principal of Diesel genarator?
3 Answers Juniper Networks, MRF,
why we are calculating the capacitance between phase(conductor line)and ground in transmission line?why cant we calculate capacitance between the phase and the nuetral line?if so what is procedure.
What are the applications that use Solid State Drives in your home?