What is the Diff. btw Manule Pull Station & Manule Abort
Station Switches used in FM200 System??
Mention the methods for starting an induction motor?
Relation in between KWH & KVAH for Electrical consumption unit & how we can relate if KWH is lower than KVAH
11 Answers Deepak Fertilisers, Torrent Pharma,
what do you mean by plant earthing system.
I am getting above 60 V as open delta voltage against single phase unit ICT at tertiary delta formed and ICT getting trippped on NDR. ICT tested and found in order. PTs provided on tertiary are tested and in order. what may be the reason?
What is Procedure the procedure to select CT's & PT's in 66kV and above substation
The cable area of cross section is 185 sq mm. How to convert this to the diameter.
how to identify vector group of three phase transformer by voltage method?
Is there thumb rule to calculate how many Insulators to be used for Transmission line of different volatges
What is difference and reason b/w -48V BTS system and 24 V BTS system. Plzzzzzzzzz tel me.
what is HVDC, what are advantages over conventional system?
What is meaning of Float Charging of Batteries???