What is the feature to customize applicant short profile?
In om, how to get the details for group of employees (ex.) Group of drivers in the organisation?
What are matrix organizational structures?
Can you give some example of Personal Calculation rule that you wrote
What is an org'l plan?
what are the other modules integrated with om?
What is evaluation path, where do we do it and why?
What is His?
Dear All, Can anybody expalin me the concept of PAYROLL CONFIGURATION in detail?
2 Answers Infosys, TCS, Wipro,
What is symbolic account?
1.We use indirect valuation for HRA in wagetype characteristics so that the system calculates 40% r 50% for all employees...but if the client asks to calculate 30% for a particular employee then is there any chance to configure like that? 2.In their company there r 2 employee groups...regular, contract..both groups come under monthly basis but they pay salaries on 2 different dates for the 2 groups...then how many payroll areas we need to create?
How do you print logo in the Payslip?
what is different between flexgrid & datagrid?