What is a Project View?
what is default position in Org management?
Which feature is used to define the default substitutions type?
what is meant by Residence Tax Area and Work Tax Area and what is the difference the between these two and what are you going to maintain in Residence Tax Area and Work Tax Area
What is Employee Subgroup Grouping For Personnel Calculation Rule?
Discuss in detail about blue printing ...what was your role in that.
Define the corporate structure.
Which authorization object is used during the authorization check on hr infotype 0001?
What are the basic processes in sap e-recruiting?
What is the importance of offcycle payroll?
I practiced SAP HR on IDES 4.7 On my desktop, later now I moved to USA and now I connected my Hard drive to laptop using external hard drive device but now I'm unable to access SAP.I could see all the files, there is no problem with hard drive.Do anybody know what is the loophole, So that I can makes changes and practice it.I appreciate your help.
which two criteria determine the payroll areas?
What is object id?