Explain about SAP WM module?
Please explain what are reason codes used in account receivable?
why we r creating the folder,users and groups.
Mention what is ale, idoc, edi, rfc and explain briefly?
In sap simple finance, even in case the client never uses the asset accounting, is it mandatory to have a new asset accounting?
Explain about SAP Workflow module?
What are the different sap products?
At my client place we need TDS (Table) we want to issue TDS Certificate
Explain what is extended star schema?
How do you measure the size of infocube?
If we want to add new business area in an existing company what are the requirements for that ..its true we wl b creating it by ox03 but what r the requirements for the creation and where is it got to be linked with ?
What are the four ASAP Methodologies?
List the different modules in sap.