What is the comparison between 30mA DP RCCB and 100mA DP RCCB and can replace it against 63A MCB
If 22 KV HT line, Current transformer is 25/5 then how to calculate multiplying factor.
which is better 50 HZ supply or 60 HZ supply?
what is class of SPD and dittels of all class ?
What is the importance of Form B to state Electricity Boards?
What is ac and dc drive.
what is the difference SCR & TRIAC?
what is meant by 3rd hormonics ?
why the Current transformers secodary is shorted to ground (In metering and Protection)
can u give me a brief idea about power line carrier communication ??
what is the earthing condition between earth & phase.
i have completed deee and i've (June2012-feb 2015 experience in electrical maintenance in pvt ltd company.company having HT & LT electrical power.how to apply electrical C-license ,NOW I was resigned my job,what are requirements of applying for c-license
What's an AVR? What's its purpose in Generators?