what is the size of ht cable of 33kv ht line and transformers ratings are 1 Mva and 5mva.please send formula also.
What are the difference between off-load tap changer and on-load tap changer in transformer?
what are the main problems that happen in an emergency light and how to fix them ?
What is Synchronization of generator,where and how it is achieved.
Which one is correct mVA or MVA. Whether both the units are same for the transformer
Ho de we calculate the line loss of a 500 kv line over 1000km.
A ii kv 1200 A Breaker combination fixed in a cubicle. How many ampere Fuse is required? If fuse is not using, Why?
How to design power source say 5KW i/p :415v 3 ph, o/p 5KW constant, variable currnt and variable volatge 10-230v,
what is mean by kneepoint voltage? when it will happen? ( my doubt is, if CT secondary is open means ct get saturation or blas? what are factors are required for calculations? plz give currect anws:
how to calculate short circuit calculation of the transformer by usuing the percentage impedence? formula needed.
What happens to the terminal voltage of an alternator connected to a bus bar when it is suddenly disconnected from the bus bar??
Write the formula for Fault MVA, Fault current, Base MVA.
why three phase system is not preferred in aircrafts power cckts if yes than explain reasons?