Describe a time when you are responsible for organizing different types of personnel to get work done and some of them weren't very enthusiastic. What did you do?
i have done M.S. in organic chemistry and now i got admission in M.B.A. (human resource management) but i dont know how i corelate my degree with M.B.A. to convence visa officer
As a manager, what did you look for when you hired people
Write the features of HRM.
what is end to end recruitment process?
Can anyone tell me how can i get benefited if I am an MBA(HR) with LL.B background?Do I have more opportunities than only MBA'S? If so which industry is best for me to utilize my degrees? Where would i get more opportunities?
why should i select you?
35 Answers AMES Technology, AOL, CCD, L&T, Reliance, State Bank Of India SBI, Talisma,
What are the steps in processing a suspension or termination of an employee?
As a manager, did you ever fire anyone? If so, what were the reasons and how did you handle it
How you will convince your employee not to leave your company?(Comntroll attrition?)
state two major differences between the practice of personnel management and human resource management.irrespective of these is practised what needs to be measured?
what is 720 degree apprisal system?
What is Workers Compensation?