How to protect a Dosing pumps/any sensitive equipment (single phase) from surge protection inside a food factory.
What is the real function of reverse power relay in generator panel while syncronising?
how we select the fuse and OLR rating for 3 phase induction motor from 1HP TO 100 HP?
What is diversity factor and how to calculate it
2 Answers Al Faraa, Amul, Pentagon, Sobha Developers,
how do i convert 22kw to kva
Whats the use of earth pits? and it will function? whats the natural earth value? How to improve ur earth resistance?
Dear All, I am new in construction company , my boss ask a question at time of interview , If we have 60MW generation and Single Power Transformer step-up we have. if CMR 50/60MVA , ONAN, ONAF respectively , is it sufficient or not ? for that much power to transfer,
what effect will 10 milliampere current cause to human body ???
Why High voltage are generate noise ?
I have 3 1000 kva single phase transformers and I wish to replace them with one three phase transformer. What is he kva rating of the new three phase, is it 1000 kva also or 3000 kva.
what is the purpose of using filters in a protective relaying scheme?
what do u mean by knee point voltage?
I want to know the currect formula for industrial lighting lux caluculation & light fittings selection