How do i display users with SAP_ALL roles.
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Answer / rajesh srisailapu
This is one of the approaches to find the uses with SAP_ALL roles.
Whenever we created a Role with SAP_ALL, it contains * value in S_TCODE Object.
Hence, we can find the users who have * value in S_TCODE Object by using SUIM
SUIM -> Users by Complex selection criteria
Select Object and enter S_TCODE and maintain * in Transaction field and execute.
It will show the list of users and find the roles which are created with SAP_ALL Profile.
Rajesh S
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Answer / guru
You can check the user with SAP_ALL with SUIM-->Users--->User by complex selection criteria---->By Profiles
And give SAP_ALL as search criteria and you can get the list
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
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