How capacitor improves pf
if sf6 gas low in gis what will happen
what is the name of transformer oil.
The transmission does not have options: a)Partition noise b) Flicker noise c) resistance d) Short noise and reason
How can we calculate the fault level of the distribution system knowing the percentage impedance of transformer & subsequent equipments.
Why the dc voltage drop during starting of emergency lube oil pump? The Voltage drop from 135kv to 125 kv for one min. before re-establish to 135kv?
If we have two nodes A and B and Vab is the potential difference between these nodes then which node is called reference node a.node A b.node B c. Ground node
In a circuit the power factor was leading what will happen?
Electrical Engineering
0 Answers Gamesa, Medha Servo,
how to calculate size of cable from motor current given and how to calculate full load current of a induction motor.
The 3 phase Delta connection RB=440V, BY=350V,.......* is Line to Line voltage RY= ? And Formula....?
What are the tests to be taken on a transformer and generator?
How to calculate the current rating of power cables ?